Slovenske gorice
If you hear the clatter of a cart... you're on the right track.

Simply beautiful
Slovenske gorice have natural resources that allow for a variety of activities. However, in the Slovenske gorice, it all revolves around wine and winemaking, so in the summer months and until St. Martin's Day, the characteristic sound of wine making can be heard in the vineyards.
The vineyards were once guarded by a lesser-known character called an ovtar, a kind of guard or confidant of vineyards.Each ovary carried a sheep's stick and a hat, which was jammed with a bouquet with added wine leaves. Today you can no longer meet the sheep in the vineyards, but you can meet him at numerous events in Slovenske goice.
There is certainly no shortage of cuisine and authentic local cuisine in Slovenske gorice, as the offer of quality agritourism is extremely large. Among the culinary specialties, of course, we place a variety of cakes. Practically every housewife has her own cake, and the queen of all of them is the indisputable Slovensko goriška gibanica.

How to get to Slovenske Gorice
The Slovenske Gorice stretch from the Austrian border in the north to the Croatian border in the south, with the Mura and Drava rivers forming the eastern and western borders. The center is the town of Lenart.
Maribor | 30 minutes | |
Ptuj | 30 minutes | |
Ljubljana | 1 hour 30 minutes | |
Graz | 1 hour 15 minutes | |
Vienna | 3 hours | |
Zagreb | 1 hour 45 minutes | |
Budapest | 3 hours 15 minutes |